
A whirlpoolI’m always left in awe by people who are adept at time management. You know those families who manage to do everything under the sun and still find time to relax and enjoy life?

That’s so not us. We’re pretty laid back folks. Drama, over-planning and over-commitment are things we actively strive to avoid.

In some ways, this is a good thing, but in others, it makes it very hard to focus on what the priorities of the moment may truly be. We’re all good at hyperfocusing upon things that entertain or interest us but don’t necessarily get us any closer to living drama-free or relaxed.

Getting into that zone where what you’re working on just flows is a great feeling, until you lift your head long enough to realize that real life hasn’t really been kept at bay by your efforts but is instead threatening to overwhelm you and those you love.

In some ways, I feel like I’m way in over my head. Like these couple of weeks. It feels like we haven’t had 5 minutes to sit down and collect our breaths. Between regular household errands, every organization under the sun trying to get in their last minute events before the last day of school, and then new fires to put out cropping up daily, I’m exhausted.

I know deep down though it’s just a matter of organization and prioritization and following through on things and not putting them off until it all piles up. I think it’s the latter that I’m often the worst at.

One of the things we’re going to be doing at our house this summer is working on the Family Member activity from DS’s Cub Scout book. I think we’ll all benefit and the jobs around the house will be shared more equitably.

Now, if only I could find some more hours in the day… I want to write!

4 thoughts on “Timesinks

  1. I think you do better at managing your time AND getting things accomplished than you think. Sure, everyone goes through chaos/stress/sickness/holiday/family-comes-first-now days…every now and then when you really DON’T get anything done.

    But for what it’s worth, I tend to let stuff pile up waaaaay too much. I am the Queen of Procrastination when I’d really rather be the Court Storyteller.

  2. Uh… thanks for the vote of confidence, Andi. Unfotunately, I can see the true state of things on this side of the monitor. LOL

    I was talking with one of the other Cub Scout moms at school about how people think we’re so much more organized than we really are. I can put on a good show, but it goes back to the thing about hyper-focus and priorities.

  3. I agree with Unhinged. I think you do better than you think you do. I’ve been in your shoes though. It’s rough sometimes. I’m glad my kid is older now. More time for writing. 🙂

  4. I used to be a girl scout leader, a very long time ago. It ate a lot of time. I wish there were more hours in the day, or some way to keep me on the chair that didn’t involve sore shoulder syndrome.

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