Thursday Thirteen: You Go, Girl!


13 Things I Learned From
Romance Heroines

1. Always make sure your slippers and reticule match your gown.
2. Corsets weren’t worth the trouble, the best heroes like real women with curves too.
3. True love always conquers all, even if you didn’t recognize it at first.
4. Men like to be argued with — it catches their attention better than simpering.
5. That feisty old lady with the cane? Listen to her, she’s the brains of the bunch!
6. Alpha males can be tamed, housebroken and taught new tricks!
7. It’s not a house party until someone is forced to get engaged!
8. The best scents to wear are lemons, roses and lavender.
9. The best men smell like soap, sandalwood and linen.
10. Curling irons have only slightly improved in 200 years.
11. Phaetons, Porches — same difference. It’s all about the horsepower.
12. The man who appears to be your worst match is likely the best, unless he’s the villain.
13. Your toes will only curl for the right man, and they’ll curl every time, ifyaknowhattamean.

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!

1 Seeley deBorn 2 Rhonda Stapleton 3 Paige Tyler 4 Jennifer Shirk
5 Morgan St. John 6 Jennifer McKenzie 7 Heather 8 Gina Ardito
9 Debora 10 Tempest Knight 11 Unusual Historicals 12 Carrie Lofty
13 Susan Helene Gottfried 14 Kate Willoughby 15 Savannah Chase 16 Debbie Mumford

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