
Sorry, no fancy image today.

I’ve been so tired this week. It’s crazy. We camped out Saturday night and I didn’t sleep well, as usual. Only it was worse than usual, because my legs ached from hiking to the bathrooms and back several times and they decided to cramp. There was also a lot of standing around or sitting in camp chairs or on the freezing cold cement benches. It was weird because I really didn’t have any responsibilities so I felt at loose ends the entire time.

I’m still fighting with my keyboard. Apple replaced it and it worked fine in the store, but decided to revert to its evil ways as soon as I got it home. It’s going to be a while before I can take it down to the other repair shop that hopefully won’t charge me the price of a new one if it’s the logic board. Luckily, I can use an external USB keyboard with it and it’s fine, except it’s bulky and not very comfortable to type with in my lap. Bleah.

Despite all this, I’m working hard with my mentor trying to build a better road map. It’s a difficult process when you have to kill your darlings or change things around from what you’ve had in your head for over a year or more. I may be losing some of the secondary or lower characters but I’m gaining focus. I’m still having issues on how to weave side plots in and around the romance plot in interesting ways.

I’m still intending to work on the Maass workbook with Revealed, but most of my attention has been going to the mentor program project lately. I’ve been thinking of the questions from the workbook as I rework the plot for that one too.

Working in the evenings has been impossible since I’m trying to get the boy back in the habit of doing homework and that’s about as easy as herding cats. He’s still not caught up from his week out of school. It’s been a nightmare trying to get the current night’s work done starting around 4pm and giving up around 8 or 9 pm to eat or send him to bed. Taking him back to the dr. today for a follow-up on the headaches.

7 thoughts on “Exhausted…

  1. No wonder you’re exhausted! Take care of yourself. I hope your mentorship works well. Hang in there.

  2. Thanks, Jen! Sorry to hear your school is so hard hit by the budget cuts. I haven’t heard much news this year, but we went through a horrible reduction last year in our district. March 15, could they pick a worse date? Hmmm… maybe April Fool’s Day would be slightly worse than the Ides of March. 😛

  3. Thanks, Brenda. I COULD go back to using my old deskop, but surfing on it is just painfully slow. Of course, that might be a good thing too! LOL

  4. Unfortunately, I already played Apple’s little game where I went up to the apple store (only about 7 minutes away) four times in one week (go in, no appts open, make appt, part’s in take the laptop in, laptop’s ready to pick up) and they replaced the keyboard with no labor charge.

    Now the trick is, the keyboard works fine when it wants to, especially if it’s running cold, like now, and it looked fine when I left the store. It began acting up again that night, but not as badly. I think I’m going to take it to a different non-apple-owned but apple-approved repair shop to see what they say.

    I did manage to sleep about 9 hours last night. Must have needed it. 😉

  5. people need to sleep, and I feel kind of weird saying that, since I really don’t sleep much. I want to, though.

    Your keyboard is evil. Sort of like my usb bluetooth is evil.

    It sounds like your mentor program is working for you. 🙂 Good deal.

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