Thursday Thirteen: Ritzy!

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13 Things to be Puttin’ on the Ritz


I found the coolest thing at the grocery store yesterday. I know I paid too much for it, but it made sense for our house. You know how Ritz crackers come in those huge sleeves that are supposed to feed like 10 people? Ok, so either the whole thing gets eaten or only a handful get taken out and then the rest go stale. This new packaging is probably not the most environmentally friendly, but I bet we waste a lot fewer crackers!

My favorite thing to put on Ritz crackers is Philadelphia Cream Cheese. It can have other stuff like strawberry jam OR pepperoni or a variety of things. No olives though… Bleah.

Anyway, having a whole box of Ritz crackers in nice little convenient packs, I decided to look around for some ideas to put something different on top of them. These are all form the Nabisco site, enjoy!

1. RITZ Cheesy-Crab Topper
2. Creamy Apple Bites
3. RITZ Hot Cheese Snacks
4. Blueberry Cracker Bites
5. RITZ® “Bruschetta”
6. Buffalo Chicken Bites
7. Mini Cracker Sandwiches
8. Zesty Roast Beef Bites
9. Ham and Cheddar Snacks
10. Peanut Butter and Apple RITZ
11. Fiesta Topper
12. RITZ Cheese Nachos
13. RITZ®-y Bitsy Cheeseburgers

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!

1 Tuffy the chihuahua 2 SandyCarlson 3 Shannon
4 sobeit 5 Diana M 6 SJ Reidhead
7 marcia@joyismygoal 8 Carol 9 kim
10 Talk About My Favorite Authors 11 Paige Tyler 12 Tempest Knight
13 Marina Berryman 14 Alice Audrey 15 Rae
16 Karen of Sillymonkeez 17 Myrtle Beached Whale 18

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

29 thoughts on “Thursday Thirteen: Ritzy!

  1. Who knew there were so many fat grams in RITZ? Of course there are healthier options in the list..Thanks for sharing..

  2. those crab ones and the apple one looks great. Ritz tastes ggreat with something light and creamy. mmmm. I want that crab stuff.

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