Thursday Thirteen: Procrastination!


Besides perfectionism, procrastination is my next biggest issue. Way back in college, it used to be a running joke that for me a study break was when I took a break and studied. I’m finding similar issues these days as I find myself reluctant to face certain truths or balk at actually writing them down. I don’t recommend any of these methods, but maybe it’ll help you recognize your own self-sabotage tactics.

13 Signs You May Be Procrastinating

1. You catch yourself humming as you go to gather laundry and you HATE doing laundry.

2. You noticed a speck of dust and rush to grab the feather duster and proceed to run it over every surface in the house.

3. You obsessively check your email. Discounts on Viagra and the possibility of your non-existent eBay account being compromised are beginning to look interesting.

4. You find yourself jumping up in the middle of a sentence to go check some minute detail because you were just reading about it and want to get the quote exactly right.

5. Balancing your checkbook becomes your highest priority even though you just did it yesterday. It MIGHT have changed.

6. You need to go check if there are any new posts on your favorite forum, RD always delivers when you need a distraction.

7. You find yourself drinking more water, not because you’re necessarily thirsty, but it means more trips to the bathroom to “think”. Oh, and the plants are probably thirsty too.

8. You play with the fonts. See! It looks better that way… courier is too icky. Times New Roman is boring! What you need is a fresh look at your writing… how about something to put it in context? Regency Script, Copperplate or even FUTURA?

9. Hmmm? Was that your stomach that just growled? Snack time is always good for a few extra minutes.

10. That song playing is driving you nuts! The shuffle isn’t shuffling randomly. You swear it’s picking out favorite songs just to annoy you.

11. You catch yourself staring at the phone, willing it to ring. Maybe the kids forgot something at school. That’ll burn a half hour or so to find it and then drive over and back.

12. You must have some bills floating around on your desk that haven’t been paid. What starts out as a hunt for one unpaid bill, turns into a marathon desk-organizing mission.

13. It’s only Friday, but you’re already pondering what to put in next week’s TT. Hey, if you do one a day for a week, you won’t have to worry about them for a while!

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!

1 Gina Ardito 2 Heather 3 Susan Helene Gottfried 4 Carrie Lofty
5 Unusual Historicals 6 Debbie Mumford 7 Deb Logan 8 Rene Lyons

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18 thoughts on “Thursday Thirteen: Procrastination!

  1. I’ve spotted more than few that I do – like refresh my RD forum every five minutes – and I found a few new ones to add to my list – good going!

  2. oooh # 6. Damn thursday Thirteen. I have a deadline but this is too fun. All good points. Except the cheque book balancing. Editing comes waaay before that!!

  3. Hey, that is just like me except what I am trying to avoid is the bill paying, or rather the organizing of the paper after paying the bills, and the filing of paper, and the cleaning of the office and the sorting of the pile, make that piles of paper. It is a huge job. I need to go cut up the chicken for supper.

    Good TT.

  4. I’ve been reading today, instead of TTing or writing. But in my defense, I was waiting for the kids to finish their homework before I went back to my own stuff! Which I’ll do … ahhh… later.

    Happy TT! Thanks for stopping by!

  5. I just spotted the dust bunnies peeking our from behind the couch. I bet they have offspring behind the TV, bookshelves – that might keep me going for at least a couple of hours 🙂

    Great list!

  6. Oh, I’m a professional procrastinator! I’m also a perfectionist. We could be sisters!

  7. Yup! Forget the 3 R’s, I have the 3 P’s, too. Perfectionism, procrastination, and puffy middle section. Bummer. 🙁

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