Thursday Thirteen: Happy Thanksgiving

Thursday Thirteen


13 Things I’m Thankful for Today

1. My Husband — He puts up with me and all my baggage. He believes in me even when I don’t. *tonk*

2. My Monsters — Thing 1 and Thing 2 — They may drive me insane, but I love them dearly. They have their precious moments too. Every time I sniffle now, the boy asks if I want my nasal spray so I can breathe again. So sweet.

3. Extended Family — We often drift away from our families, taking them for granted, but I’m thankful they’re a part of our lives even when we live so far away from everyone else.

4. Friends — These people help keep me going. I don’t appreciate them enough on a regular basis, but I try to make their lives easier when I can as well.

5. A Comfortable Cave — We’re a bit too comfortable in it at times, but I’m very thankful that we still have a roof over our heads and we were merely inconvenienced last month with the wildfires. Luckily very few people we know were directly affected by the fires as well.

6. A Comfortable Life — I’m very thankful for the fact that I don’t have to worry about whether there’s enough money in the couch os we can go get something to eat for dinner or having to count every penny at the grocery store. I like walking in and picking up what looks good and in the brands I know taste good. Yes, I’m spoiled now. See #1.

7. Our Health — I’m thankful that for the few problems we have, there are effective treatments. It could always be so much worse and I feel blessed that we have options.

8. Creativity — I’d have gone insane a long time ago without the need to be creative. You can’t escape the creative forces in our house between the music, the art, the craft supplies which are often used in very creative ways, to the kitchen where recipes are only starting points.

9. Romance Divas — Especially the FlanTastics, Cup o’ Noodles and everyone else that hangs out in the Live Chat room looking to challenge and commiserate.

10-13. Modern Conveniences — I so could not have survived 100 years ago without computers, the internet, microwaves and indoor plumbing. I mean, I could have, but I wouldn’t have wanted to. Now, 200 years ago, as long as there were servants to do most of the things we take for granted like the cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc tha seem like chores today… we don’t know how easy we have it because of all the other obligations heaped on us.

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!

1 Savannah Chase 2 Heather 3 Jennifer McKenzie 4 Haven Rich
5 Alice Audrey 6 7 8

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8 thoughts on “Thursday Thirteen: Happy Thanksgiving

  1. Thanks for visiting my blog!!!! I’m so thankful for Divas as well… As a matter of fact, I’m about to make a night-time visit while I sit with the fam watching Elf.

    Hope you enjoyed your day.

  2. I’ve also read a few posts similar to yours and enjoyed them. I think my hubby is my #1 thing as well. There’s nothing better than knowing someone believes in you 100% and loves you despite your faults.

    I hope you had a lovely day.

  3. I love your list. After watching everything you went through last month, I’m just glad you’re still plugging away.
    Happy Thanksgiving.

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