Thursday Thirteen: Today In History

Thursday Thirteen


13 Valentine’s Day Occurrences


Happy Valentine’s Day! No sappy trivia today (see yesterday’s post for that)! Below are just a few of things that occurred on Valentine’s Day in history. There were a lot of others I thought were cool, but had to zap to pare it down to thirteen.

1 ) 278 AD Saint Valentine is beheaded, contributing in part to the origins of the Valentine’s Day holiday.

2 ) 1076 Pope Gregory VII excommunicates Henry IV

3 ) 1689 English parliament places Mary Stuart/Prince Willem III on the throne

4 ) 1766 Thomas Robert Malthus, British economist born.

5 ) 1778 The Stars and Stripes of the United States is seen abroad for the first time, flying on a U.S. vessel in a French port.

6 ) 1848 James K. Polk became 1st President photographed in office by Matthew Brady

7 ) 1889 1st train load of fruit (oranges) leaves Los Angeles for east

8 ) 1918 U.S.S.R. adopts New Style (Gregorian) calendar (originally Feb 1)

9 ) 1929 Disguised as Chicago police officers and detectives, Al Capone’s mobsters take out six of George “Bugs” Moran’s gang in a warehouse. The infamous event will become known as the Saint Valentine’s Day massacre.

10) 1967 Aretha Franklin records “Respect”

11) 1971 Richard Nixon installs secret taping system in White House

12) 1978 1st “micro on a chip” patented by Texas Instruments

13) 1990 Space probe Voyager 1 takes photograph of entire solar system

1 Susan Helene Gottfried 2 Lazy Daisy 3 Winter
4 Nicholas 5 Alice Audrey 6 Di
7 Jennifer McKenzie 8 Lynne 9 Gwen Mitchell
10 OneLuvGurl 11 Brenda 12 Paige Tyler

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