Schedules & Routines

A recent look inside the AO Main Plant Clock TowerI mentioned in an earlier post that I’ve consistently written a thousand word or so journal entry nearly every day since the end of June. When the kids went back to school, I felt a real disruption in my daily routine. Instead of sitting down and writing first thing, I now get the kids up, dressed, fed and out the door and to school and I’m back home by 8:15. After checking in with DH, I usually manage to sit back down to the computer again by 8:30.

At this point, I’ve been awake about two hours but lack a feeling of accomplishment. I don’t want to get up any earlier to get that half hour of writing in before the kids’ morning routine because I feel too disconnected from DH. I already go to bed about two hours before he does. The lucky bum sleeps in by that amount too.

By 9:30 or 10 AM, I feel like I’ve lost my momentum for the day. It doesn’t help that I’m fully awake and curious about what all has been posted on RD. With the dialogue contest now in judging, I’ve been freaking out over that for no good reason. It’s only feedback. Feedback that I need, but it’ll still be there and won’t have changed when I finish my entry and blog post.

I’ve run out of excuses and need to sit down and write, every day. It doesn’t matter what I write, I just need to do it. I’ve done little exercises here and there, but I’ve felt a lack of writing something that isn’t just brainstorming. I need to remember I’m doing this for me and I shouldn’t feel guilty about doing something I like. It’s all a matter of priorities and perspective. As long as my obligations are met, it’s all good, right?