Into The Woods

Last night, we took the kids to see “Into the Woods” at the Starlight Theatre here in Balboa Park. We’ve been there several times and I’d never realized there was an outdoor ampitheatre there. Apparently, the theatre has been a San Diego tradition for over 40 years. The seats are darned uncomfortable, but that’s expected. We’d also anticipated a sold out show from the ticket ordering choices, but a good number of seats and sections were empty around us.

I’ll admit I’ve been spoiled by the Broadway cast recording and DVD. We saw the show originally on PBS in Alabama in the early 90s and we finally broke down and bought it on DVD a couple of years ago. The kids had watched it with us then, but hadn’t been too excited about it. DD has discovered musicals: High School Musical, Camp Rock, you’d expect those of a tween, right? But would you think of Sweeney Todd, Rocky Horror, the Buffy the Vampire Slayer Musical episode, and now Dr. Horrible’s Sing-a-long Blog? She likes dark stuff and loves horror movies. We keep teasing her she’s going to “go Goth on us” in a couple years. I don’t really think so.

Anyway, she really enjoyed last night. She wanted THAT performance on DVD too. See there’s another tradition at the Starlight, besides the little red box that’s appeared in every production since 1946, that’s the “freeze action” when the planes come in for a landing at Lindbergh Field. Yep, the nice little outdoor theater is RIGHT under the flight path. The actors “are specially trained” to freeze when a plane comes over and then continue on once the noise levels allow. This is controlled by the conductor, who apparently makes a game out of it, trying to catch the actors in awkard poses. Imagine trying to watch a movie, and having your 3 year old in control of a pause button. Luckily it turned out to be more amusing than annoying, but DS counted at least 28 planes go over in the 3 hours we were there. DH said there were more. We can say we did it and check off another requirement in his Webelos book.

Me? I’m going to watch the DVD as soon as possible. I’ve had the songs stuck in my head all last night and really need to hear the witch’s song about the greens in her garden done properly. The wolf’s “Hey, Little Girl” needs some refreshing too.

Once More With Feeling

Free Streaming Internet Miniseries July 15-20

Have I mentioned that Joss Whedon is evil?

In a completely adorable teddy-bear way. His twists and turns astonish and he’s never one to shy away from a little conflict, external or internal. We’ve been watching Buffy again from the beginning with DD and some of the little things sprinkled in early on are jaw-dropping. If you loved The Buffy Musical episode, don’t miss his latest project!


“Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog” will be streamed, LIVE (that part’s not true), FREE (sadly, that part is) right on, in mid-July. Specifically:

ACT ONE (Wheee!) Tue, July 15th.

ACT TWO (OMG!) Thu, July 17th.

ACT THREE (Denouement!) Sat, July 19th.

All acts will stay up until midnight Sunday July 20th. Then they will vanish into the night, like a phantom (but not THE Phantom – that’s still playing. Like, everywhere.)

Eventually it will be available for download for a fee and also on DVD. Yay!

At least something good came out of the writer’s strike and this is good for a mid-summer fix, but where’s my Dollhouse?

If I hadn’t agreed with Scott Kurtz over at PVP Online three years ago, Joss Whedon is my master now.”

Scott Kurtz' Joss Whedon is my Master Now t-shirt image