Interview with Historical Erotic Romance Author: Sorcha Mowbray


Cover for LOVE REVEALED, by Sorcha MowbrayPlease welcome Sorcha Mowbray to the blog today! We’re celebrating her debut LOVE REVEALED which releases on February 3rd from Decadent Publishing .

Now, some of you MAY be wondering why I’m interviewing an erotic romance author here on my tame little blog. I’ll be honest, I don’t usually read erotic romance and I don’t think I could write it without dying of embarrassment. However, it’s a popular genre and when I first read this story, I was completely sucked in by it. The sex is hot, but the story is hotter. I was so excited for Sorcha when this story sold because now other people get to share the experience. There is nothing better for a reader than to share a good book or story. So here I am, passing along this one because even though it’s not my typical fare. It’s that good. And notice there on the cover… it’s just the first of a series!

All commenters (must be 18+ to win!) on this post today will be entered to win a copy of LOVE REVEALED.

Love Revealed
by Sorcha Mowbray

Blurb: Lady Katherine Drummond played by the rules of society, even after they turned on her. Shunned by her peers, she keeps up appearances by day but allows her true self out in the privacy of The Market. It is there in the arms of one man that she truly comes alive. So much so, she signed a contract to be his for six months. Despite never having seen his face and knowing him only as Sir, she fears losing her heart to him.

Lord Raymond Tarkenton, the Earl of Heathington, despises being one of the most sought after bachelors of the Ton. He could never ask a woman of his circle to submit to his sexual needs, and a mistress would never be an option. For now, one masked woman at The Market holds his undivided attention. When he realizes that his masked lover and Lady Katherine Drummond are one and the same, he must find a way to convince her that they are bound together by more than the straps at her wrist and the contract they signed. He must reveal himself and his love to her.

Gotta have it? Buy it from Decadent Publishing on Feb 3rd!

So, without further ado, let’s put Sorcha in the hot seat and grill her with some questions!

1. What drew you to writing Historical Romances in general and specifically to setting stories during the Victorian Era?

I have always been a lover of history (I totally blame my dad!) so when I started reading it was historical novels and then historical romance. For a VERY long time, it was the only kind of romance I would read. Needless to say, when I started writing it was natural that I wrote historical romance. Geek alert! I was also a history minor in college, so I love doing research!

2. What’s the strangest bit of historical trivia you’ve picked up in your research?

I think for me it was the Victorian fascination with tattoos. Winston Churchill’s mother had a snake tattooed on her wrist! It was shocking to think of aristocratic Victorians being tattooed.

These next few questions assume that time travel is possible. So, if you could go back to Victorian England:

3. What modern conveniences would you miss most? What would you miss least?

My computer/Kindle Fire/Smart Phone. I would be in serious withdrawal in the beginning. I find it hard to make a decision without one of them at my disposal. Kind of sad, I know. I think I would miss TV the least. I just don’t watch that much to begin with, and as long as I had books I’d be A-OK.

4. What would be the hardest for you to adapt to in the Victorian Era?

CORSETS! I have one that I love to put on and wear on occasion, but every freaking day? Yikes! I’d end up going without and get labeled a slattern or some other horrible moniker. Add to that the long dresses. I suppose as long as I was rich when I went back so I wasn’t actually trying to work in a corset and long skirts I’d survive. But, if I had to work like that? Forget it. Pants for women would happen a heck of a lot sooner than they did. LOL!

5. Where would you fit into the society? Where would you like to visit most?

I’d probably be middle class, though I would like to think I’d be the bluestocking aristocrat who carved her own path. I have always loved England. I think I would totally want to go there since America would likely be too rough and tumble for me. I can rough it with the best for a couple of days, but in the end I am totally a city girl.

6. What describes your perfect Romance Hero and do you find this varies across genres?

Alpha. I want a strong, decisive man who knows his mind and can act on it despite what others might think. Sort of a benevolent dictator type. He listens to everyone then makes what he believes to be the best decision for everyone. Now, don’t get me wrong I fully expect he will have to learn to defer to the lady in his life on occasion or all hell will break loose. LOL! No, this is a constant for me no matter the genre…even in real life. 😉

7. What advice would you go back and give yourself as a beginning writer if you could?

Don’t get distracted by other things! If I hadn’t set writing aside for five or six years I would have been published before now. I have a hard time focusing on something if I am not experiencing success, and at the time writing wasn’t really about getting published. Then it was…then it wasn’t. If I had been more consistent in working at it and approaching it as a business from the beginning I would have gotten to this point quicker.

8. Which comes first, the characters or situations that makes you realize you had to write this story?

Most times it is a scenario that occurs to me, but often the scenario includes at least a concept of the characters involved because I like character driven stories. I want to invest in the person on the page, not just drop H/h into a random scenario. Sometimes as I develop the character the story changes because I discover something I didn’t know about the character or they react totally differently to a situation than I thought they would.

9. What are some of your favorite reads?

I love the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon, I totally love the Mallory’s by Johanna Lindsey. On the sexy side I loved The Irish Devil by Diane Whiteside, Simply Sexual by Kate Pearce, and A Touch of Sin by Susan Johnson.

10. What’s made your life easier and what have you found the most challenging as a writer?

Easier? Ha! Nothing about writing makes life easier. It is a labor of love. I give up time spent with friends and family in order to pursue a dream. There ain’t nothing easy about that. My real challenges come from balancing it all. I have a demanding day job, a husband, and now a second career. Anymore challenge and I’ll give up!

Sorcha Mowbray - scorching the sheets one page at a time.Sorcha Mowbray is a mild mannered office worker by day… okay, so she is actually a mouthy, opinionated, take charge kind of gal who bosses everyone around; but she definitely works in an office. At night she writes romance so hot she sets the sheets on fire! Just ask her slightly singed husband.

She is a long time lover of historical romance, having grown up reading Johanna Lindsey and Judith McNaught. Then she discovered Thea Devine and Susan Johnson. Holy cow! Heroes and heroines could do THAT? From there, things devolved into trying her hand at writing a little smexy. Needless to say, she liked it and she hopes you do too!

Be sure to visit Sorcha’s website (18+ please!), “like” her facebook page, and follow her on twitter @sorchamowbray. She’s also got more dates for her blog tour listed under EVENTS on her website.

YOUR TURN: Sorcha says, “I just want to say thank you to Kristen for having me visit today. Those were hard questions! I’d love to give one commenter a copy of LOVE REVEALED, so say hello, tell me I’m crazy (cause I am), or tell Kristen how awesome her Regency Primer Series is, just say something!”

Remember, all commenters today have a chance to win an ebook of LOVE REVEALED (must be 18+ to win!).