Thursday Thirteen: Cold Remedies


13 Cold Remedies


If you’re one of the many people suffering from a cold or the flu, the Mayo Clinic has a list of remedies that have been proven or disproven to help. Conveniently, there were thirteen items on the list.

Now, I’m not a doctor, nor do I play one on TV or even impersonate one on the internet. If you want to know the why’s and wherefore’s of the Mayo Clinic’s opinions, go read their site!

Anyway, I hope everyone feels better soon!

Try these:

1. Hydrate to loosen phlegm and avoid dehydration. The only time I can drink Gatorade is if I’m extremely sick. As soon as I feel a bit better I can’t stand the aftertaste again.

2. Gargle with Salt Water to relieve a sore throat. My uncle still swears by this one. Of course, he also swears by rock candy and rye whiskey for sore throats too.

3. Saline nasal sprays (not decongestants) to ease stuffy congested noses. I’ll have to try this instead of Afrin for my next head cold.

4. Chicken Soup helps reduce inflammation and helps speed mucus. And canned soup results are almost as good as homemade. DD loves the double noodle in her thermos for lunch. Now.. if the school had more than T-W-O walls on their cafeteria, the kids might not get as sick in the first place, hmmmm?

5. Over-the-counter cold medications for symptom relief. DH swears by Tylenol Cold & Flu. Make sure they haven’t expired!

6. Humidity helps on many levels. Be sure to keep your humidifier clean and change the water daily.

Skip these:

7. Antibiotics only work against bacterial infections, not viral infections.

8. Antihistamines help with allergies but can make cold symptoms worse by drying sinus membranes. Check you’ve got the right OTC meds!

9. Over-the-counter (OTC) cough syrups don’t treat the underlying cause of coughs. Yes, but being able to sleep is often welcome too.

10. “Starve a cold, feed a fever.” You’re better off staying hydrated and eating what you can keep down.

What can it hurt?

11. Vitamin C — no ideal dose agreed upon, too much can cause nausea and diarrhea. Who needs more when you’ve got the flu?

12. Echinacea — some people swear by Airborne, but no conclusive study on its benefits.

13. Zinc — depends on the type and when taken and many zinc studies are flawed.

So… what works for you?

1 Alice Audrey 2 Danica/Dream 3 Rasmenia
4 Tempest Knight 5 HolleeAnn 6 Debbie Mumford
7 Jennifer McKenzie 8 Ava Rose Johnson 9 Cinde Morris
10 R.G. Alexander 11 geek-betty 12 Nicholas
13 Susan Helene Gottfried 14 pussreboots 15 Kat’s Krackerbox
16 Tasina 17 Di 18 Melanie
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