Thursday Thirteen: Holiday Stress Anyone?

Thursday Thirteen

We did get a tree and our lights up on the house. The tree is still au naturale and we keep forgetting to unplug the lights at night. Who decided that adding more obligations to my schedule was a good thing? If there’s only 5 days until Christmas, that means I only have 12 days to finish up this rough draft. I WILL DO IT!


13 Reasons Today Is Chaotic at My House

1. DS’s Book report speech was due today. Had to scramble to get everything together since he’s supposed to dress up as the character. He lost his mouse nose we bought the other day, so at last minute I had to draw a nose and whiskers on with an old eyebrow/eyeliner pencil that was last used to do DD’s nose when she was a teddy bear in her kindergarten holiday show. She’s now in 5th grade.

2. DS’s Christmas party at school. 12:00 Sounds like it’s going to be fun. Socks filled with flour for a snowball fight, even!

3. DD’s Christmas party at shool. 1:30 — Much tamer room mom organizing the party. Gingerbread houses.

4. DS’s 4th grade holiday chorus performance. 6:30 pm. We have to have him there by 6:15 which means 6pm if we want to park.

5. I’m supposed to cook a healthy dinner in there too? Ugh. I’m sick of eating out.

6. It’s supposed to rain again today. People here don’t know how to drive in the rain. It’s scary!

7. The kids really want to decorate the tree tonight. They were ready last night with homework and everything done (ok except the speech stuff) by 7pm like DH had demanded, but HE ended up working until after 8pm. BahHumbug.

8. I went to the grocery store yesterday and have a fridge full of things that need repackaged to toss in the freezer. There’s some that SHOULD be done today.

9. It’s Thursday! Thursday Thirteen always adds to the chaos. =) But it’s fun.

10. I’m starting to panic over last minute gift ideas, or really any ideas at all, for a few people on our list. DH is worried about variety for the kids, but they’re gonna make out like bandits as usual.

11. I have a brakelight out on my van and should really get that fixed. At the very least I need to call and see when they can fix that and change my oil and all.

12. There’s only 5 days left!

13. There’s probably 14 kazillion other things I’ve forgotten or conflated.

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!

1 Alice Audrey 2 Jennifer McKenzie 3 Susan Helene Gottfried 4 Carrie Lofty
5 Unusual Historicals 6 Paige Tyler 7 On a Limb with Claudia 8 Helene
9 pussreboots 10 Heather 11 Debbie Mumford 12 Kelly McCrady

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Thursday Thirteen: Holiday Prep

Thursday Thirteen

I feel like such a Scrooge this year. Our house is the only one on the cul-de-sac that doesn’t have any lights up yet. With temperatures in the 70s and 80s here it STILL doesn’t feel like Christmas is less than three weeks away. My mom got 5″ of snow yesterday. I’m jealous. The kids are starting to ask more pointed questions about Santa this year, filled with comments about what other parents have told their friends. Ahh, the price of growing up.

Anyway, needed to think about these things and do this, so here’s the first 13 things I could think of that will help get our family in the Christmas Spirit.


13 Things To Get Ready For the Holidays

1. Finish coordinating gift lists with DH. Who have we forgotten? Can we avoid duplicates?

2. Hang the lights outside. This is always “fun”. Those “We Install Christmas Lights!” signs are looking pretty tempting!

3. Hang the wreath on the door. DD said she wanted to yesterday, but didn’t.

4. Remove any and all non-essential clutter from the living room so we can…

5. …buy a tree so we can…

6. …decorate it.

7. See if we need any new ornaments. Our Cinnamon Ornaments may need replaced, a bunch had broken last year.

8. Mix up some cookie dough and freeze it so I can bake a dozen when we want ’em.

9. Decide if we’re having Thanksgiving dinner again for Christmas. We usually do.

10. Go Caroling next Saturday with the Cub Scout pack, hopefully it won’t rain this year.

11. Mrs. Santa needs to find some jammies to leave on the kids’ beds.

12. Update my wishlist on Amazon and make DH and the kids update theirs too!

13. Spruce up the dining room table with some more festive decorations.

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!

1 Susan Helene Gottfried 2 Gina 3 Patti Ann Colt 4 Jennifer McKenzie
5 Kelly McCrady 6 Alice Audrey 7 Gina Ardito 8 Debbie Mumford
9 Dayle 10 11 12

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The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!