NaNo? NoWay!

National Novel Writing Month logoOk, I have to admit that earlier this summer I briefly flirted with the idea of participating in NaNoWriMo and quickly discarded it when I realized it was in November. NOVEMBER?!? What the hell were they thinking? It seems like August through December is always crazy around my house. Things don’t seem to settle down until after New Year’s and the kids are back in school. I feel like I get a little break until March when the spring conference season starts for DH and he’s off traveling again. But No-freaking-vember?

The thought of committing to 1,667 words a day also gives me pause right now. It doesn’t matter that I write half that each day in my journal in a half hour. Real people are never going to read that! That’s 1,667 words strung together in a logical order and that need to make sense later. Although, I suspect it’s the part about 30 days in a row that’s really freaking me out. Back in August, I was regularly hitting the 2k-word mark on a WIP each day, but that wasn’t for 30 days in a row! You know, back before the characters ran away with the story and got wedged up against that wall?

This morning, I mentioned something one of the Divas said about NaNo and he asked if I was going to do it. I looked at him like he was crazy, he looked at me the same way and asked, “Why not? You could do it.” Hrmmm. He’s probably right, but that’s another commitment! I’m feeling smothered by them as it is. Even taking Sundays, Thanksgiving Day and two others on which I have prior commitments off, that still means 2,000 words a day. I dunno. I may play along, not do it officially and just see what happens.


2 thoughts on “NaNo? NoWay!

  1. I’ve met a few of the zealous NaNo group. It’s pretty much an all or nothing for them. However, I live in the real world with kids, hubby and a dog. Actually, the dog couldn’t care less if I dive into the computer to work as long as I surface in time to fill her bowl. The rest of the crew seems to require more work, however.

    So, I’m a na-sayer to the traditional form of NaNo and plan to use it to motivate myself to finish my current WIP. A daily goal to get in the seat and write . . . crap or not. Yep, that should just be the ticket.

  2. I’ve done NaNo a couple of times. It’s very inspiring…unless like me, this year, I have to write more than the required word count to hit my deadlines. Sigh.

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