I Stand Corrected…

today's forecastSo, remember when I said summer was over just last week? Mother Nature apparently took exception to that and has sent us a heat wave here in Sunny SoCal. The electronic sign at the high school has been unable to properly show the temp, claiming it was 1C3˚F the other day. Now, the question is, was that 103 or 108? Yesterday it clearly said 107˚. Except for the low humidity, I almost feel like I’m back in Austin, TX.

I think there’s a reason that school usually started after Labor Day. I felt so bad for the high school boys who were out running around the “block” on Friday afternoon. The block just happens to be about 3.5 miles.

Add to this fun, that DS developed a sore throat and fever Wednesday night after coming home from school at lunch with a migraine. Took him to the doctor on Friday because he was still hovering around 101˚ according to our old-school glass thermometer. Get to the pediatrician’s — they use their fancy wave-it-across-the-forehead kind and get no fever. Guess which one I trust since I knew his fever hadn’t broken in the last hour. It never fails in there. The strep culture came back negative. But his cough concerned the doctor enough that she sent us to the radiology clinic downstairs to get a chest x-ray.

So what does DD do on Saturday? She comes down with it too. It’s always something.

What a way to start the school year. I guess I should be happy he didn’t get his annual back-to-school-after-being-exposed-to-new-germs fever until the first Thursday instead of Monday. I think he’ll be back tomorrow but I’ll have her home for at least another day of miserableness. It’s a good thing the middle school here puts all the homework assignments up on a website so we can keep up to date. It’s just a matter of getting the work done now.

C’mon Fall!