How to Spread Your Wings

Spread Your Wings: Western Swallowtail ButterflyIf someone had asked me how to spread your wings a couple years ago, I would have had no idea how to answer them. One of the most painful things to do as a writer, or maybe it’s just me as an introvert, is to move out of an established comfort zone. This year has been a series of those kinds of steps for me. I joined RWA, I’ve entered contests, placed and won bids on critiques or just asked different people for their thoughts on my writing. I have several other steps planned for the rest of the year, but I know it’s not going to get any easier.

So how have I managed to force myself out of my cocoon and out of my comfort zone?

1) Setting small yet attainable goals. Breaking bigger goals down into smaller ones help make it not feel so overwhelming. Telling yourself you only have to do one small thing deflates the importance and takes some of the scary out of the task.

2) Sneaking up on those goals. Baby steps help here too. In preparation for sending off a submission packet to an agent, I’ve done a lot of similar yet different things this year. In bidding on critique donations, I ended up sending 3 chapters to a published author. Yeah, that was harder than sending it to someone I know online. However, I know that when I go to hit send on a submission, it’ll be easier for the practice.

3) Realizing no one else can do these things for me. If I want to be a published author, these goals are on that path and I’ll have to tackle them at some point. Each step takes me closer to that goal and each step so far has gotten easier. Maybe it’s just looking back that makes the previous steps look so much smaller, like when you stand at the top of the stairs cut into a mountainside and look down at where you started climbing.

What kinds of things do you find yourself doing to push yourself and spread your wings?

6 thoughts on “How to Spread Your Wings

  1. Ha – I do the same things you do! I didn’t really think about it that way. I’m also a big fan of “right moment” thinking. Suddenly I’ll get a bug up my butt to hit send, or finish edits, or what have you. I make a herculean effort to push and do it. Somehow, right THAT moment is the right time. Which is also why I don’t beat myself up if I slack some. I know I’ll push twice as hard down the road, when the moment is right.

    1. Cool! I guess that means I’m doing something right. I also try to convince my self of the “right time” thing, but it usually sounds more like “DEADLINE”. Your way sounds much nicer. 🙂

  2. I especially agree with #3.

    Me, I think all the social networking, I have to push myself with. Otherwise I’d just end up lurking.

    Send manuscripts out to be read, especially if it’s by a published, big name, person, is hard. It took me awhile to get used to this. I’m still not even sure I am.

    1. My cousin had a great one to add over on Facebook. He said he asks himself “How long has it been since I’ve done something new?” He also admitted he doesn’t always like the answer, but feels it’s an important question to ask.

      It’s been a good week for this kind of thinking. Big steps are scary, but they’re also exciting and good ways to challenge ourselves. It also helps to know there are others out there in similar situations and ready to hold our hands.

  3. Great list! I have to kick myself in the hiney every now and again. I’m more of an impulsive person and have the guts to do it one minute, but it’s gone the next.

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