Goodbye 2010, Hello 2011!

Happy New Year, 2011!First off I’d like to wish you and yours a Happy and Prosperous New Year!

2010 Recap

I accomplished 28 of my 48 stated goals for 2010. Now while 58% doesn’t sound that great, when I consider everything that went on in 2010 including losing three months to essentially homeschooling the boy and dealing with his sinus infection, it doesn’t look quite so bad.

So, what were the big things I accomplished?

I completed a 331 page rough draft of Beneath His Touch. We did something for each school vacation and birthday in the house, besides just sit holed up in our cave. My Christmas Shopping Done by 12/12 and my wrapping was done by 12/19.

But I think the biggest accomplishment this year was that I publicly owned up to the fact that I was writing fiction and in which genre to not just family and friends, but some complete strangers on Facebook and no one laughed. At least not where I could hear it.

Oh, and we’re in the middle of buying a house. We started looking like 2 weeks before Thanksgiving and we’ll close the end of January and move the first couple weeks of February. That’s one item checked off the 5 Year Plan!

2011 Goals

I managed to only make 42 goals for 2011, but I think they’re SMARTer this year. Many of them are building new habits on a weekly or monthly basis, but there are a few big projects in there as well. Not least of all, making sure we don’t have any unpacked boxes from the move at the end of the year. Just knowing that we have ones that haven’t been unpacked here after seven was a bit discouraging. Yup, procrastination at its finest!

So, what were the big things I hope to accomplish in 2011?

  1. Stay grain-free/low-carb. DH and I are following a Paleo style diet and I feel so much better. The weightloss is icing on the cake, to mix metaphors horribly. By the end of the year, I hope to have a collection of at least 52 TNT recipes.
  2. Writing wise: I want to have Beneath His Touch ready to submit to agents by the end of July. I’d also like to have the complete next draft of Revealed done that fills in all the holes from the previous draft. I’ll also be taking the plunge and joining RWA along with the local chapter and an online one, The Beau Monde, which specializes in the Regency.
  3. Blog wise: I’ve made a commitment to blog at least once a week. Topics may vary widely, but I do have a list to work from. I think I was far too ambitious last year and having my attention pulled from my writing to the boy’s school work didn’t help. Also, I’m going to try out the idea of doing Sweet Temptation as free, serial read for Excerpt Mondays.
  4. Continue celebrating birthdays in the family (extended as well as just in the house) and taking advantage of those school vacations and wrap up my christmas shopping and wrapping around the same time. It was so much less stressful this year! I just need to start a little earlier next year.

Like I said, those are the big ones, and they include several of the smaller ones on my list. So, I’m hoping that 2011 will be just as busy as 2010 was, but more focused and purposeful.

What big plans do you have for 2011?

2 thoughts on “Goodbye 2010, Hello 2011!

  1. Wow. I feel like such a slacker now 😉 Congrats on the accomplishments for last year and setting so many goals for 2011! I’ve set a few for myself, but I tend to run away from them if I set too many. LOL

  2. Pffft. No need to feel like a slacker! I was honestly surprised by all I’d gotten done in 2010, because it sure didn’t feel like I got as much accomplished as I did!

    I think a lot of times when we make goals, we forget that we have on going responsibilities that still have to be met, and they often take or are given priority over those new items on our “Wish I could get this done” list of goals. Making goals on an ongoing basis has helped me with that. I feel so much more balanced than I did when we started out doing them.

    I bet if you wrote down EVERYTHING you did last year, you’d be amazed too. 🙂

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