Comfort Zones

Eero Aarnio Bubble ChairYesterday’s Thursday Thirteen scraped against the edges of a few people’s comfort zones. Many commenters noted how they could never do any of them or how they would never attempt certain ones. A couple of the items were declared dangerous!

Yes, impulsive behavior can lead to dangerous consequences, which is why I said I didn’t endorse rushing out to do them. ALL of those items are well beyond my own personal comfort zone and I’m glad several people recognized it for the brainstorming activity it was.

Normally, I’m not impulsive or spontaneous when dealing with people. Small talk with someone I don’t know very well is pushing it for me. I am more likely to buy something that looks fun (or tasty!) or to drive somewhere new just to see where that road leads.

I think I like the idea of spontaneity even if I rarely act on outrageous (heck, even little) impulses. Serendipity also plays a big roll in how we deal with the world too — enough good experiences when we go out on a limb will lead us to take more risks in the future.

Joining the Romance Divas was one of my most impulsive moves. Imagine the unease I felt when I accidentally clicked on the live chat link and found myself welcomed and ordered to WRITE! It was scary, but I did it and those chat challenges have become one of my favorite things. It’s amazing how easily you can step out of your comfort zone with a little nudge, a lot of support, and the realization that there are others in the same boat.

Now, I need to settle in and adjust to the new ideas I’ve been absorbing at a rapid rate and put off worrying about what lies beyond my comfy, little cave until after I’ve dealt with these new growing pains.