Breaking Radio Silence

So, what have I been up to while I’ve essentially been maintaining “radio silence” the past couple of weeks?

The holidays came and went. DS decided to share his cold with everyone. How generous. Ugh. We decided we’d stay home for New Year’s instead of infecting our friends in L.A. Didn’t do much here for it, but that’s good sometimes too.

DH got me a MacBook Pro for Christmas, so instead of sitting at my desk in my cave, I’ve been sitting out in the living room in the big blue chair and ignoring the rest of the world while I get it set up how I like. I did break down and put email on it, but I haven’t opened it up very often. I also broke down and put an IM client on it, so DH can reach me from work without having to pick up the phone. More like so I can remind him to come home for dinner without having to pick up the phone. 😉

I also finished up the very rough draft of the rewrite/expansion of Revealed. It doesn’t much resemble that little snippet now! It’s just over 42k words. Still not done in NaNo terms, but a reasonable first major effort.

Now, comes the next difficult step. Edits and revisions. Lots of stuff to fix and fill in. I played with a new toy today. It’s called TiddlyWiki. It’s basically a self contained web page that you can use as a quasi database. What I’m currently doing is dumping all the characters into it so I can more easily track the relationships and information about them. Setting it up, I skimmed through the 25k words of the file in my other WIP that the hero from Revealed came from. I’d completely forgotten he had a grandmother that was supposed to be influential in his life.

Hmmm… I can see this becoming a Project in itself. Worthwile procrastination I think though.

5 thoughts on “Breaking Radio Silence

  1. …lol, as long as it doesn’t become something to do “instead of”. 🙂 Happy New Year.

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