20,014! And Colds Suck!

A cute little plush version of the common cold, Rhinovirus.I’m back at on target for NaNoWriMo!

Luckily, I’m not the one suffering from the stuffy head, sore throat and cough flavored nastiness that’s going around my house this week. Both kids began to run fevers this afternoon. High enough to keep them out of school tomorrow. Joy. DH also left for the EastCoast today armed with Tylenol Cold & Cough caplets. I hope he made the right decision.

BTW, somewhere floating around my house are: cough, flu, black death, and ebola. No, not the REAL ones… the PLUSH ones. DH couldn’t resist. *sigh* We may have to get this guy, he’s kinda cute.

Anyway, the writing the last couple of days has been easier than last reported. I find it interesting that the scenes where the heroine is with someone else but still reacting to the hero are easier than the ones where they’re there face to face. The worst ones have been the ones in his POV.

I was talking with MamaDivine this afternoon about it and she asked if his POV was necessary (it is) and what all I knew about his backstory (she’s probably sorry she asked *grin*). Thinking out loud like that helped some, and made one of the things that has to happen near the climax clearer in my mind. However, I’m still not looking forward to writing tomorrow when I have to start out in his head, especially with the monsters underfoot all day again.

I suspect one of the problems is how I always seem to shift into his head when the characters’ emotions come into conflict. I also realized I don’t have very many scenes where he’s the sole focus. That might be part of the difficulty too. I’ve allowed myself to explore how she reacts with her friend and parents, but, with one exception, he’s only on stage when she is. Definitely something to note down and think about.

I know, Bria, less thinking and more writing, right?

Woah. I may have just figured out what was missing a couple days ago. His contemplation. *headsmack* *sigh*

Anyway, my TLC is being demanded, but I wanted to post progress. Glad I did with that realization. Phew!

4 thoughts on “20,014! And Colds Suck!

  1. Am I that predictable?

    You can so do it! But the truth is, I think especially when writing male characters, is less thinking more writing.

    Back in my sleeping beauty days (otherwise known as the year I lost my housing and had to move-in with 7 guy friends) I found that I love guys —- I don’t mean in that crazy always have to be dating someone way (as we all know.) But in that, wow! this is much easier than living with 7 girls kind of way.

    And I also found that I think my guy-writing gets better when I take a look at women who love to write men. Example: Suzzane Brockman or JR Ward. They love guys.

    Also, reading men. Chuck Hogan ripped my heart out and I’m still not completely over “Prince of Thieves” but you’re reading guys. It isn’t cleaned up and nice for the lady viewers.

    Anyway, I’m blog-napping you. I’d love to chat about you men – I know you love them, I can’t wait to hear more about them!

  2. Thanks Temptest!

    *knock on wood* So far I still haven’t caught this bit of evil. The kids are going to be out of school again today, really puts a kink in my non-writing plans. =) However, making sure they don’t have strep which is going around here is a bit more important. I hope they’re feeling better soon, too. DD was miserable yesterday with a temp of 102.9 =(

  3. Wow, Bria! I’m just gonna call you Snow White from now on. =)

    I haven’t read any Brockman or Ward yet. I know, shame on me.

    Have you read Robert Parker (Spencer for Hire, but the books)? DH reads him, and wow, the guy is amazing with the way he does dialogue and characters. Sparse, but so DENSE.

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